Reputation is not hearsay.

At the start of the project, the sole shareholder has promoted a first round of funding between angel investors and primary companies and has collected € 366k, compared to 2.5 % of the share capital of Mevaluate Holding Ltd, thus estimated € 15 million ($19 million).  In 2012, a group of 18 professionals and managers supported the company becoming a TEAM of Managers and Consultants, with shares of 9.85 % of the capital of Mevaluate Holding Ltd (Ireland) at the same assessment of € 15 million (U$19 million). In 2013, Mevaluate Holding Ltd (Ireland) has agreed a partnership with world's leading  consulting and auditing companies of the value of € 35k for a participation of the 0.11 %, thus assessing Mevaluate Holding Ltd € 31.8 million (U$41 million).  In 2014, two new angel investors have financed € 55k at an annual rate of 5% and have invested an additional total € 72k for a participation of the 0.10 %, therefore assessing Mevaluate Hld € 69.9 million (U$94 Mln).



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Who believes in us

In Italy – APART

In Italy – CROP NEWS

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