Reputation is not a commodity.

  1. The Reputation of a subject (natural or legal person, company, etc.) is the regard or esteem this subject has among the society. Unlike “consideration”, the term “reputation” has a neutral value; one can have a good or bad reputation (to be approved or disapproved).
  2. In Economics, as stated by George Stigler, reputation expresses “the persistence of quality” and has a value as it economizes on a correlated search, in the sense that one can avoid searching – and its costs – if the reputation of the subject one is querying is indisputable.
  3. Reputation indicates a competitive distinction that, in terms of reputational risk, becomes “an alteration of the judgement and the fiduciary relationship perceived by the clientele” (Giampaolo Gabbi, economist).

Mevaluate: Code of Universal Reputation

Code of Universal Reputation

Worldwide Ethics Committee

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